

Celebrities who had their secrets spilled by employees

Celebrities take great care to project a well-curated image of themselves. Their social media posts are carefully planned, their interviews coached, and their public appearances approached with the utmost professionalism. However, there are certain staff members who get to see what it's really like behind the scenes. Take TikTok user Tamaran, a stylist who worked for various celebrities and spilled the tea on stars like Jennifer Lopez, Marisa Tomei, and Jessica Alba. Click through to see which other celebrities had their allegedly dirty laundry exposed in public by former employees. You can decide for yourself which rumors you believe!

A Flip-Down Work Area Is the Perfect Space-Saving Solution for Your Small Home

Keep your essentials within reach!

30 animals with surprisingly human traits

We humans often think we're unique, with abilities and behaviors far more evolved and complex than animals. However, that's not entirely true. In the diverse realm of the animal kingdom, we encounter many creatures, from tiny insects to our closest living relatives, who exhibit surprisingly human traits. From elephants mourning their dead to bees that get pessimistic when faced with setbacks, click on for an array of animals with the most human-like behavior.

How to maintain a long-distance relationship with your child

Long-distance parenting can be a real challenge. As the parent living far away, you might feel like the guest in your child’s life. And on top of that, being physically distant can make it difficult to keep track of what is happening in their life. It can feel unfair to miss many important moments, but it shouldn't define your relationship. Because even if you're not physically present, you can still have a fulfilling relationship with your child. Keeping a solid connection as a long-distance parent requires smart timing decisions, effort, and sacrifice, but it’s not impossible. Learn more in the following slides.

Terrifying urban legends that are actually true

Most urban legends are simply that: legends. But a lot of times, folks' creativity is less powerful than real life, and true events themselves can spark some eerie tales that later become ingrained in popular culture. Browse the gallery and learn about creepy cases that prove that reality can indeed be scarier than fiction.

Outdated workplace trends to say goodbye to

Today the modern workplace is continuing to evolve. Some trends and practices that once defined our professional environments are becoming things of the past. The advancement of technology, shifts in employee expectations, and a growing emphasis on flexibility are leaving many traditional workplace norms in the past. We say goodbye to these outdated customs and welcome a new era of workplace culture that is more adaptable, inclusive, and forward-thinking. Curious about which customs made the list? Click through now.

What does the Bible say about children?

Many people look for answers in the Bible, and indeed when it comes to parenting, the holy book has quite a few pieces of advice. But the word of God goes beyond a couple of verses about how to raise our children. After all, God is called the Father for a reason, and his believers, children of god. In this gallery we have compiled a number of Bible verses that mention children, and we've divided them into different topics. Click through and get to know what the Bible says about children.

Are you an awkward person? If you do these things, you might be

Let's be honest: we all have a bit of awkwardness in us. But some of us way more than others, which can sometimes make daily life difficult. If you constantly live in fear that you'll mess something up, or worry about what other people think of you, then you're definitely an awkward person. But don't worry, because you're not alone! Check out the gallery for common struggles every awkward person faces.

Professional Faqs: What Are Some Of The Negative Effects Of Potatoes?

Expert opinion from Livia Dickson Chen PhD in Nutrition · 11 years of experience · Brazil I would say that the potato itself does not have a negative side, it is another food option that we have and that has been part of our food and tradition for a long time. The problem is the way we use and prepare the potato. When we remove the husk, we already...

The best BBQ dishes from around the world

Who doesn't love a good BBQ? It's a chance for friends and family to have fun in the sun. Of course, the most important part of a barbecue is food, and there are plenty of flavorful dishes for you to try. It doesn't have to be hamburgers and sausages every time! Why not try Portuguese piri piri chicken or Japanese-style shrimp skewers? Click on to take a tour of the world's best barbecue dishes.

Easy milkshake recipes you'll just have to try!

Milkshakes are one of the most delicious inventions ever, right? Sure, not everyone consumes dairy products, but nowadays these can be easily replaced by plant-based alternatives. In this gallery, you'll find a number of milkshake recipes, from classics to boozy ones, and some really exotic options, too! Ready to try something new today? Then click on!

Celebs you wish were your aunts and uncles

Aunts and uncles are cherished family members. They can hug you like a parent, keep a secret like a brother or sister, and be there for you like a friend. They can be an authority figure, but not quite as rigid as parents, making them the grown-ups that kids want to hang out with. Some people are lucky enough to have aunts and uncles who are famous, making things a whole lot more interesting. Check out these celebrity aunts and uncles, and get to wishing they were yours!

Looking at the ancient art of henna

The word "henna" means many things. It refers to the henna plant, the powders and pastes that are made from the leaves of the henna plant, and the incredible art that is painted on the skin using this natural dye. For some, the word henna summons images of a traditional Indian wedding, or perhaps a stall on a boardwalk where tourists can get a temporary tattoo. Henna can be traced from the modern boardwalk all the way back to the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, thousands of years ago. Its uses and meanings have evolved across multiple countries, cultures, and religions since then. Intrigued? Click through this gallery to learn about the origins of the magnificent art of henna and its modern applications.

Easy bread recipes that will transform your bakes

Whether you want to try easy soda breads and cornbreads, go Italian with ciabatta and focaccia, whip up a batch of flatbreads or learn how to make the perfect crusty, crunchy, chewy sourdough loaf, there's a bread recipe for every baker in our collection.

Are you one of the most hated signs of the zodiac?

If you pay attention to astrology and are aware of other people's signs, you'll probably have noticed you get on better with some signs as opposed to others. This makes sense: certain sign pairs are more compatible than others, after all. Have you ever wondered, though, whether there are signs that are generally more liked or disliked than others? According to astrology experts, there certainly are! Curious? Check out this gallery to find out more.

The most important inventions related to foods and drinks

When it comes to preparing and consuming foods or drinks, there are certain tools and practices that are essential for culinary success. From preserving to cooking and consuming, these inventions have been extremely important for humanity's sake. And without them, we wouldn't have many of the dishes and drinks we love today. In the following gallery, take a look at the top innovations related to foods and drinks. Click on!

Cameron Diaz dazzles in a black top and sunglasses as she serves her Avaline wines at an upscale eatery in New York

Cameron Diaz played bartender for a day in East Hampton, New York. The Charlie's Angels star, 51, served her Avaline wines at the SiSi restaurant on Friday with her co-founder Katherine Power.

“Is that the normal price here?” – Tourist shocked with S$28 haircut and hair wash

SINGAPORE: A tourist recently shared her surprise on social media about being charged S$28 for... The post “Is that the normal price here?” – Tourist shocked with S$28 haircut and hair wash appeared first on The Independent Singapore News - Latest Breaking News

These animals are associated with the devil

There are some animals that, despite being perfectly harmless and innocent of any wrongdoing, are forever associated with evil. These are creatures that some cultures and religions depict as being symbolic of Satan. They are nature's villains, misrepresented and demonized for their appearance and behavior—victims of our own prejudice and superstition. But what beasts are we so afraid of, and why? Click through and get to know the devil's pets.

These close calls could have changed history as we know it

So, we often think we’ve made it this far because we’re pretty smart, right? But when you look back, there’s a ton of stuff that could have gone seriously wrong. Think about all the natural disasters, global health crises, and even our own goof-ups. It’s not just our smart survival skills that got us to the 21st century, but also a whole lot of luck. By looking at the close shaves in history, we can learn some important stuff about how to dodge and tackle future problems. Keep on reading to find out about the crazy close calls that could have totally changed or even wiped out life as we know it today.

Love hurts: the ways in which heartbreak affects you physically

If you've ever had your heart broken, you're familiar with the sensation of feeling your entire world collapse and the debilitating pain that comes with it. Heartbreak can deeply affect us in many ways, including physically. Discover the impact heartbreak has on your body and learn some tried and true methods for healing your pain in the following gallery!

32 Styling Tricks That Will Make Your Small Living Room Feel Bigger and Better

Time to outsmart your limiting floorplan. If your living room, family room, or sitting room feels cramped and cluttered, the last thing you'll want to do is spend time in it. Let's change that! Because no matter how small a space is, there are designer strategies to make it feel much bigger than it appears to be. It's not magic; it's just smart styling and layout problem-solving. Get ready to bookmark all these tips and transform your small living room into a comfortable, stylish oasis for you and your household to hang out in. With these designer examples and decorating ideas to guide the way, you'll love the space so much that you'll never want to leave it. 📝 You love finding new design tricks. So do we. Let us share the best of them.

Timeless children’s books to read with your kids

As adults, we all fondly look back on the tales of adventure, the wacky characters, and the magical worlds of our favorite childhood books. The only thing better than that feeling is getting to share those wondrous experiences with the next generation. We don’t need to convince you of the benefits of reading with your children, but as reading is an essential part of a developing child’s intellectual growth and quality of life, making it a daily habit can do wonders. Plus, there are so many classic and timeless tales that both children and parents alike will enjoy, laden with lessons about love, courage, friendship, honesty, loyalty, and more. Ready for a walk down memory lane? Click through to get your reading list started.

Turn laundry day into a breeze with these top tips

From money-saving washing gadgets to clothes-drying ideas, we've scoured the internet for the best tips, tricks and shortcuts that will make all future laundry days a total breeze...

Black diamonds: Earth's toughest mystic jewel

We all know a few things about diamonds, like how they twinkle on an engagement ring, how they're a girl's best friend, and how they're usually crisp and colorless. But what do you know about black diamonds? Beyond the fact that they do, in fact, exist, there are so many marvels in the history of the black diamond, from its struggle to popularity in the jewelry world, and its believed extraterrestrial origins. It's one of the rarest diamonds in the world, and the toughest, and it somehow carries both curses and luck, as well as a record-breaking price tag. Curious to know more? Click through to read some dazzling facts about this precious gemstone.

What your dog's breed says about your personality

Research indicates that dogs sometimes take some traits of their owners' personalities, but how about the relationship between breed traits and owners? Dr. Lance Workman of Bath Spa University in the UK did an online survey where the Big Five personality traits of dog owners were analyzed, the Big Five personality traits being openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. In this gallery, you'll find the results of the questionnaire, as well as some examples of popular dog breeds and what they say about your personality. Click on!

Revealed: Why supermarket herbs die after you buy them

Experts say herbs grown in pots for large retail chains are really immature seedlings which are misleadingly presented as adult plants and cannot survive for long in a household setting

How often you should be replacing these household items

Sometimes it's amazing how infrequently people change household items. For example, who hasn't seen an ancient looking sponge in a sink that should have been thrown out months ago? Thankfully, we are here to give you some proper guidance on what needs changing and when. Take a look through the gallery to find out how often you should be replacing these household items.

The most iconic movie hairstyles

Looking for inspiration for your next hairstyle? Look no further. In this gallery you'll find the most iconic hairstyles in the history of cinema. From bangs to perms, you'll get all the hair inspo you need. Check it out!

Adorable animal friendships that will brighten your day

From inseparable pals to surprising bonds between predator and prey, animals can form the unlikeliest of friendships. In the following gallery, browse through some images of adorable animal friendships that will put a smile on your face!

Signs you had an emotionally abusive parent

The perspective of a child is colored by unconditional love and naïve acceptance of whatever their "normal" is. This can make it difficult to recognize emotional abuse until later in life. We're so impressionable as children that our parents' natural human flaws will inevitably impact us all in some way. Emotional abuse is different in its ability to leave us with long-term scars and trouble with relationships in adulthood. Let's take a look at some of the trademark behaviors of an emotionally abusive parent and how it affects the child as they mature. Click through the gallery to get started.

When famous people crash regular people's parties

What would you do if a queen showed up at your wedding? And how would you react if you were throwing a birthday party for your child and a celeb crashed it? These might seem like pretty unlikely scenarios, but all of the above did happen. As it turns out, some celebrities do like to walk into weddings, parties, and other events, uninvited. And while most people are thrilled to have A-listers at their parties, others don't feel the same way.

How to tell if someone is lying, based on their zodiac sign

How do you spot a liar? Telling tall tales varies from person to person. Sometimes you need to know someone well to intuit whether they're being completely honest or if they're stretching the truth a bit too much. For the gray space in between, it helps to be aware of their zodiac sign. There is a stereotype that some signs are bigger liars than others (...looking at you, Gemini) but each sign has its own creative way of fibbing. Curious? Click through the gallery to find out how each sign lies so you never have the wool pulled over your eyes again!

Royals: who had the most stunning wedding dress?

We all want a perfect wedding, and having the dream wedding dress obviously plays a large role in making that distinction—though it's definitely not easy to find! These royal brides have somehow managed to have it all, the amazing day along with the amazing dress. From Kate Middleton to Princess Victoria of Sweden, here are the most beautiful royal wedding dresses.

Hilarious celebrity wedding mishaps

There's always something that doesn't quite go as planned during a wedding. It can be anything from a wardrobe malfunction to a minor problem with catering or the venue. However, as annoying as these may be, they are pretty normal and expected. The rich and famous also fall prey to these accidents, and their wedding day is no exception. What would you do if your wedding dress caught on fire or if you broke a tooth on your wedding day? Sound bizarre? Well, these mishaps did happen to a few famous faces. Click through the gallery and discover the most hilarious celebrity wedding fails.

Do these home jobs once a year to avoid expensive repairs

We've put together a seasonal home maintenance checklist to help you keep your dwelling in tip-top condition and running smoothly throughout the year so you're not faced with an expensive and daunting task ahead of you...

Kwame Onwuachi Is Opening a New Restaurant – And That's Only the Beginning

The 2019 F&W Best New Chef is a storyteller, through and through.

The best nighttime routine for each zodiac sign

While a comfy bed and nice sheets go a long way in providing the optimal sleeping environment, doing the groundwork before slipping into bed is also important. A nighttime routine, much like a skincare routine, will differ from person to person, depending on what helps them relax. This can be a nice yoga flow, to going all out with an at-home spa. To find out your ideal nighttime routine, turn to your zodiac sign for some inspiration. Ready? Click through this gallery for the best nighttime routine for each zodiac sign.

Olivia Culpo responds to backlash over wedding dress

Olivia Culpo responds to backlash over wedding dress - ‘The choices that I made are because I wanted to feel like they’re choices I could be proud of in 50 years,’ Culpo said

How to find love online

These days, one of the most effective and popular ways to find love is through online dating. But sometimes the options are so many that it can be an overwhelming process. Click here to see the best tips to navigate the online dating world.

What's the best study method for you, according to your star sign

Have you ever wondered why you did badly on an exam, even though you studied really hard? Why your friends still did better than you, even though you spent hours poring over notes and doing practice papers? It may well be the case that no matter how hard you try, certain study methods just won't work for you. After all, different personalities have different learning styles, and much of that comes down to things we can't control—things like astrology. Intrigued? Check out this gallery to find out how best to study, according to your star sign.

Discover your zodiac sign's ruling planet and why it's important

Most of us know what our star sign is based on our birthday, but beyond that, it can get a little complicated! For a truly insightful look into your astrological chart, you also need to know your rising sign, the element associated with your sign, and especially the planet it's ruled by. Each zodiac sign is ruled by a planet or body in our solar system, and they have a huge influence over how the traits of each sign are expressed. Learning about your ruling planet can give a completely new meaning and understanding to your astrological profile. Click through the following gallery to get into the nitty-gritty!

Chimps Have 'Conversations' Just Like Humans, Scientists Find

The rapid back and forth dance of face-to-face conversations is not unique to us humans. While chimps typically favor gestures over sounds, their exchange of ideas is just as fast as ours and reflects similar cultural patterns, a new study reveals. Observing the timing of gestures within communities of wild East African chimpanzees, an international team of researchers found responses followed pauses of up to a second. Some reactions were...

Laid to rest in the best: The extravagant eternal homes of historical figures

Respect for the dead and the importance of an honorable eternal resting place has been a common theme across nearly every culture in the world through almost every era in history. The tombs, necropolises, and burial sites of the fallen have always been good indicators of their status in life, and many influential figures throughout history have been laid to rest in better, more extravagant conditions than the majority of people of any era could ever hope to so much as live in. Doubling as status symbols and feats of architecture, these resting places are a feast for the eyes. Read on to experience the glory and glamour of history's most magnificent burial sites.

Popular breakfast cereals through the years

A breakfast cereal is usually the first thing we eat in the morning. In fact, it's a tradition that dates back hundreds of years, when a bowl of porridge was often the meal to go to work on. Today, the choice of cereals is vast, with most eaten as part of a balanced breakfast, or a snack food, at least in Western societies. Many cereals are oat-based and high in fiber while low in fat. But quite a few brands are filled with hidden sugar and other additives. Click through and wake up to some of the most popular cereals on the breakfast table.

Successful women who chose not to get married

Throughout history, marriage was a societal expectation, particularly for women, who had to relinquish many personal rights. In most situations, husbands were seen as superior to their wives, resulting in significant restrictions on women's freedom. However, numerous remarkable women chose not to enter into marriage, defying societal norms and forging their own paths. Thankfully, times have changed, but even today, society often portrays unmarried women as incomplete. To challenge this notion and showcase that women can lead extraordinary lives without marriage, we invite you to browse through this gallery. It serves as a reminder that marriage is not a prerequisite for a fulfilling existence!

Seriously delicious bagel fillings to bite into

Sometimes, nothing satisfies like a bagel. Softer, yet more filling, than most bread, and with countless variations from poppy seed bagels to jalapeño cheddar bagels, they're good enough to enjoy just on their own. That being said, they're also such a versatile snack that you can put just about anything on a bagel and be pleased with your creation! From classics like salmon and cream cheese, to new twists like corned beef and sauerkraut, read on to discover the best bagel fillings out there.

Libra: Your daily horoscope - July 27

Libra: here are your free predictions for the day July 27

The men of Princess Diana's life: public and private

Decades after her death, Princess Diana is still remembered as an icon of fashion, beauty, and philanthropy. She was at the mercy of a heavily patriarchal corner of society and had many mismatched loves throughout her tragically short life. Her marriage to Prince Charles was famously troubled and she was plagued by scandalous rumors of affairs with various royal staff members until their divorce. When it finally looked like she was headed for happiness, she was killed in a car crash with her new love, Dodi Al Fayed. Click through the gallery to meet the men that influenced Diana at various stages of her life, and some of the secret loves you may not have known about.

Through art, food, artefacts and an MRT jingle Singaporeans show other sides to city state

A fancy restaurant with a hawker centre vibe, murals, a jingle based on folk song - Singaporeans offer visitors insights about their home I have never understood why tourists fly to Singapore only to trawl its designer stores and try to reserve tables at restaurants headed by superstar foreign chefs. Surely a visitor should try to get beneath the s...